Creating a Heat Map widget

A Heat Map widget is a combination of colored rectangles. Each represents an attribute element. A Heat Map widget allows you to quickly grasp the state and impact of a large number of variables at one time. Heat Maps are often used in the financial services industry to review the status of a portfolio.

The rectangles contain a wide variety and many shadings of colors, which emphasize the weight of the various components. In a Heat Map widget:

Example of a Heat Map widget

Note: Some of the rectangles in the Heat Map widget above are hidden from view.

In the image above:

You can display the Heat Map widget as a widget in MicroStrategy Web, or on an iPad with MicroStrategy Mobile. For general information on iPhone and iPad widgets, see About iPhone and iPad widgets.


To create a Heat Map widget

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable mode.

  2. From the Insert menu, point to Widgets, then Flash. Select Heat Map.

  3. Click the location on your document, except for the Detail section, where you want to place the widget. The Grid/Graph, which appears similar to a standard grid container, is displayed. A small icon at the bottom right corner of the Grid/Graph identifies the type of widget that you have added to the document.

  4. If desired, resize the widget by clicking and dragging its handles.

  5. Add objects to the Grid/Graph that contains the widget. To do this, from the Dataset Objects panel on the left, select attributes and metrics and drag them on top of the widget, using the following requirements:

  6. To enable a legend for the widget, right-click the widget and select Properties. On the Display tab, select the Show Legend check box and click OK. A legend is displayed near the widget.

  7. View and test your results in one of two ways:

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