Viewing documents in Flash Mode

Flash Mode lets you access interactive features on a document that are supported by Flash, such as widgets. In Flash mode, you can also perform some data manipulations, such as sorting and pivoting objects on the document.

You can do the following in Flash Mode:


As a Document Designer, you must be aware that if a graph uses a graph style that is not supported in Flash, the graph is not displayed. See Graph styles supported in Flash Mode.

Performance in Web may be affected by several factors, including the number of users working in the system at the same time, the user's machine, and network bandwidth.


To switch to Flash Mode

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable Mode.

  2. While viewing a document, from the Home menu, select Flash Mode. If Flash Mode is not displayed in the Home menu, Flash Mode may not be enabled in the MicroStrategy project or for the particular document you are viewing.