Creating an RSS Reader widget

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a data format used to display updated Web content when you click a URL. An RSS document is called a feed and it contains either a summary of the content from an associated website or the full text.

The RSS Reader widget helps provide a 360-degree view of your business by allowing you to compare and contrast data in your dashboard with information from external news feed sources. The widget retrieves news from an RSS news feed and displays it alongside the other components of your dashboard. The RSS feed is automatically reloaded to display the most up-to-date news about a variety of topics that you specify.

Example of an RSS Reader widget

You can use RSS Reader widgets on a dashboard to view and update your favorite RSS news feeds as you analyze grid reports, graphs, and other objects in the dashboard.

The RSS Reader widget helps provide context to your business data. For example, you are viewing a dashboard with sales figures for some of your local customers. You can configure the RSS Reader widget to display up-to-the-minute news about those customers. This allows you to view both sales data and news information about the same customers, in one place. Consider another example. One of your reports provides sales figures for a group of stores in northern California. Using an RSS feed, you can display local industry news for that specific region, which can provide valuable background information about those sales figures.

You can display the RSS Reader widget as a widget in MicroStrategy Web, or on an iPhone with MicroStrategy Mobile. You can format how the RSS Reader widget is displayed on the iPhone, including how news items are displayed, which URLs are used to provide RSS feeds for the widget, and so on. For steps, see Formatting how an RSS Reader widget is displayed on the iPhone. The RSS Reader widget supports the portrait orientation when displayed on the iPhone. Set the Supported Orientation property to Portrait Only. For more information on iPhone and iPad widgets, see About iPhone and iPad widgets.

RSS Reader requirements

To create and add an RSS Reader widget in a document

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable mode.

  2. From the Insert menu, point to Widgets, then Flash. Select RSS Reader.

  3. Click the location on your document in which you want to place the widget (widgets cannot be placed in the Detail section). The Grid/Graph is displayed. A small icon is displayed at the bottom right of the Grid/Graph, identifying the type of widget you added to the document.

  4. If desired, resize the widget by clicking and dragging its handles.

  5. Enable the widget to be viewed in one of two ways:

Static vs. dynamic feeds RSS feeds

You can configure an RSS Reader widget to display one of the following types of RSS feeds:

Specify the RSS feed to display in the widget

As the document designer or administrator, you can specify the RSS feed to which the widget will connect. You can also specify the number of news articles that are displayed, the refresh frequency of the news articles, and other options.


  1. Right-click the widget and select Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.

  2. One the General tab, type the title in the RSS reader title field  to create a title that appears at the top right of the widget.

  3. Type the URL for one of the following types of RSS feeds in the Default RSS Field. You can use only one RSS feed.

  4. Specify the rate at which news items are automatically refreshed. Enter this value in minutes in the Default refresh frequency (Sec) field.

  5. Enter a number in the Items shown at a time field to specify the maximum number of news items that a user sees at a time. The default value is set as ten.

  6. Select or clear the Open full article when clicked check box to determine whether a news article is opened in a new window when it is selected in the widget.

  7. If the RSS feed is accessed through a proxy server, select the Use Proxy check box.

  8. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.

Enabling an RSS Reader Widget to display online content when used offline

If you are exporting a dashboard that contains an RSS Reader widget, you must add the .MHT file to the list of Adobe Flash Player trusted files on the client machine. The .MHT file contains all of the data required to make a widget that is displayed in Flash mode function properly once it has been exported. For more information about exporting documents, see Exporting a Document.

Warning: The third-party products discussed below are manufactured by vendors independent of MicroStrategy, and the information provided is subject to change. Refer to the appropriate third-party vendor documentation for updated Flash Player support information.

To enable an RSS Widget to display online content when used offline

  1. Access the Macromedia support site at

  2. From the Edit locations drop-down menu on the right, select Add location.

  3. Type the location of the .MHT file in the textbox.

  4. Click Confirm.

  5. Close and reopen the dashboard or document that contains the widget.

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