Asking for user input into a filter's definition

You can allow the user who executes the report that contains the filter, to decide for himself certain aspects of the filter's definition. This lets each individual user define the report results he sees. To do this, you include a prompt in the filter's definition. You can use prompts in any filter where you want to let each user impact the results of the filter, by having the user enter a specific number, date, or text that makes sense for that user. To add a prompt to your filter's definition, use the following high-level steps:

  1. Decide what prompt type you need for your filter. Prompt types that you can use in a filter's definition are listed in the table in About prompts.

  2. Follow the steps in one of the prompts topics to create that prompt:

  3. Then follow the steps in one of the filter topics to add the prompt to your filter's definition: