What's New in MicroStrategy Web
Getting started with MicroStrategy Web
Setting your preferences
Running and viewing reports and documents
Running and viewing documents and dashboards
Running and viewing Visual Insight analyses
Analyzing report and document results
Saving, exporting, emailing, or printing a report or document
Subscribing to reports and documents
Creating and modifying reports
Creating and modifying documents and dashboards
    Best practices: Designing effective documents and dashboards
    Best practices: Designing documents for the Kindle and Nook
    Creating and formatting a document
       About creating documents
       Creating a document from scratch
       Creating a document using a template
       Creating a document from a report
       Adding an Information Window to a document
       Adding and editing text and data in a document
       Adding shapes to a document: Lines and Rectangles
       Adding images to a document
       Displaying HTML content in a document: HTML containers
       Arranging controls on a document
       Formatting documents
       Adding page breaks and numbering pages
       Working with sections in documents
       Working with metrics and totals in documents
       Using conditional formatting on documents: Thresholds
       Using view filters in documents
    Designing for the iPhone and iPad
    Creating transaction-enabled documents
    Grouping and sorting data in a document
    Creating a document template: Grid/Graph controls
    Designing dynamic enterprise dashboards
    Providing Flash-based analysis and interactivity: Widgets
    Creating multi-layout documents
    Displaying or printing PDFs: resolution, fonts, Table Of Contents, and bookmarks
    Determining display and export modes
    Improving document execution performance
    Interfaces for working with documents
Creating and modifying Visual Insight analyses
Searching for objects
Maintaining folders, reports, and objects
Interfaces for importing data, custom groups, thresholds, and report details
Creating HTML documents
Logging out and setting logout preferences
Installing MicroStrategy Office
Troubleshooting and Technical Support
Customizing MicroStrategy Web and Online Help