What's New in MicroStrategy Web
Getting started with MicroStrategy Web
Setting your preferences
    Changing the MicroStrategy Web default start page
    Modifying user preferences
       General preferences
       Folder browsing preferences
       Grid display preferences
       Graph display preferences
       Print Reports preferences
       Export Reports preferences
       Print Reports (PDF) preferences
       PDF Reports preferences
       Drill mode preferences
       Prompts preferences
       Report Services preferences
       Security preferences
       Email, file, and printer preferences for Distribution Services
       MicroStrategy Office preferences
       Specifying language, time, date, and measurement settings for Web
       Specifying email addresses, file locations, and printer locations
    Modifying report design interfaces
Running and viewing reports and documents
Running and viewing documents and dashboards
Running and viewing Visual Insight analyses
Analyzing report and document results
Saving, exporting, emailing, or printing a report or document
Subscribing to reports and documents
Creating and modifying reports
Creating and modifying documents and dashboards
Creating and modifying Visual Insight analyses
Searching for objects
Maintaining folders, reports, and objects
Interfaces for importing data, custom groups, thresholds, and report details
Creating HTML documents
Logging out and setting logout preferences
Installing MicroStrategy Office
Troubleshooting and Technical Support
Customizing MicroStrategy Web and Online Help