Snapping controls to the grid

Snap to grid means controls are aligned to grid points. If this feature is enabled, the top left corner of the control moves from grid point to grid point when you move or resize the control. When you create a control, the top left corner of the control is aligned to a grid point. If you drag a control when creating it, all corners of the control are aligned to the grid.

If snap to grid is disabled, you can add, move, or resize controls freely anywhere on the Layout area. That is, the corners do not automatically move to grid points. To temporarily disable snap to grid, press the CTRL key while moving or sizing controls.

To disable/enable snap to grid

By default, snap to grid is enabled.

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable Mode.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Snap to Grid. If Snap to Grid was enabled, it is now disabled.

    : If the alignment grid is hidden, you can display it by selecting, from the Tools menu, Alignment Grid.

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