Select Elements dialog box

You can use the Select Elements dialog box to choose from a list of elements available in the project. For example, if you are creating an Attribute Element List prompt, you can select the attribute elements that users choose from when they respond to the prompt.

To choose elements using the Select Elements dialog box

  1. To search for an element, type the name of the element in the Search for field and click the Search icon Search icon. The Available list displays elements with names that match the search criteria.

    By default, the search returns elements that contain your search term somewhere in the element's name. For example, if you search for customer, both Customer Count and Average Revenue per Customer are displayed. Selecting the Match case check box returns items only that match the case (upper or lower) of the text that you enter in the Search for field.

    You can search for elements beginning with specific letters, elements with specific attribute form values, and so on. The table below lists ways in which you can search for attribute elements, and steps to search for them.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. If the number of elements available exceeds the amount that can be displayed at one time, you can click the Next Page icon Next Page icon to view the next page of elements, or click the Previous Page icon Previous Page icon to view the previous page of elements.

  4. When you are finished selecting elements, click OK to save the list of selected elements and close the Select Elements dialog box.

What to Search For


Elements that begin or end with specific letters

  1. In the Search for field, type one of the following:

    • To search for elements beginning with specific letters, type the letters you want to search for, followed by an asterisk (*). For example, to find elements beginning with Art, type art*. Art as Experience and Art of Getting Even are displayed.

    • To search for elements ending with specific letters, type an asterisk (*), followed by the letters you want to search for. For example, to find elements ending with Life, type *life. Guide to Life and A Bug's Life are displayed.

    • To search for elements beginning and ending with specific letters, type the letters you want to search for, with an asterisk (*) between the beginning and ending letters. For example, to find elements beginning with The and ending with Er, type the*er. The Weight of Water and The Horse Whisperer are displayed.

Elements that match your search term exactly

  1. In the Search for field, type the search term in double quotes (" "). For example, to find the Day Job element, type "Day Job". Day Job is displayed, but not Jobshift.

Elements containing a specific series of characters




  1. In the Search for field, type the characters you want to search for, with a percent sign (%) between each group of characters. For example, to find elements that contain The followed by For, type the%for. The Rules for Cats and The Way Forward are displayed.

Elements containing a phrase of two or more words

By default, if you type two or more words into the Search for field, the search returns elements that contain any of the words.

  1. In the Search for field, type the phrase you want to search for, replacing each space in the phrase with an underscore (_). For example, to find elements that contain the phrase Old Man, type Old_Man. The Old Man and the Sea is returned.

Elements containing a specific number of variable characters


  1. To search for elements that match a search term with a certain number of variable characters, type the term you want to search for, using brackets [] to contain each character you want to include in for the search. For each pair of brackets, you must specify which characters to search for. For example, if you type [a,e]nd, elements that contain And or End are displayed.

    In each pair of brackets, type one of the following:

    • To search for a range of characters, type the character at the beginning and end of the range, separated by a dash (-). For example, if you type ar[a-f], Architecture: Form, Space, and Order is displayed, but not Art as Experience.

    • To search for a set of characters, type each character separated by a comma (,). For example, if you type North[e,w][a,e]st, Northeast and Northwest are displayed.

Elements with a specific attribute form value

  1. In the Search for field, type the name of the attribute form in brackets [] followed by a colon and the value to search for. For example, to find customers with the first name Maxwell, type [First Name]:Maxwell. Maxwell Perez is displayed, but not Delores Maxwell.