Saving reports

You can make changes to reports and save them for easy access at a later date.

For steps to save a document, see Saving documents.


To save a report

  1. Open a report that you want to save, and then click the Save As icon Save As icon. The Save As dialog box opens with the original report name as the default in the Name field.

    : If you click OK and choose to save the report with the same name as the original report name, the Confirm Overwrite dialog box opens. Click Yes to replace the existing report.

  2. From the Save in drop-down list, choose Shared Reports or My Reports, and browse to the folder in which you want to save the report.

  3. To save a prompted report: If you are saving a prompted report, you can choose whether or not to keep the report prompted when the report is executed again.

    1. Choose to save the report as a prompted or a static report by selecting one of the following.

    2. If you save it as a prompted report, you can choose whether or not to use the current prompt answers as the default prompt answers when you run the report again, as described below:

  4. To save the report as a filter or template: You can save a report as a filter or template.

  5. Click OK to save the report. If a report with the same name already exists in the folder, the Confirm Overwrite dialog box appears. Click Yes if you want to replace the existing report.

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